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About Me


My Radio Station in Germany


Radio SAM Broadcasting Studios

Hi, thanks for dropping by!

I Was Born On the 15 November 1960 in Germany and was Brought up in South Africa,Have Three of my Own Children and One child that I brought up as my Own Child,Two staying In South Africa and Two Staying with me in Germany.
My Nick Name is Andy,and have a Profile on Facebook
My Face book Profile
Andy Willi Dezius | Create your badge

I Speach - English / German and Africans , and also read and wright the 3 Languages , I am at the moment a Truck Driver in Germany.
To my Profiles , here are a few things to tell you about me , I was Born in Germany, and was brought up in South Africa.
My Homepages are about South Africa and South African Music, I have  had Goodtimes and also Bad times when I lived in South Africa.
I created this Homepage to Remember me , of my life , and the Wonderfull things I got to see in my Life . And to share it with people and friends on the Internet , So I say thankyou to WIX .com in Germany, and people who supported me to with my Homepage, the

Get to Know Us

Southernstar-africa is a Homepage and Website based on South Africa,The Life and Culture and Wildlife and as Well of our Lives ,when we were still Liveing in South Africa .This Homepage has Information on South African History,on the Wildlife and the Big Five Game of South Africa.
You Can find Pictures ,Links ,News,Recipes,Joke ,South African Ghost Stories and many other things that mite Intrest you,and also for School Projects,Some Pages are not for childrens View.
You will find link banner on top of the webpages,at the bottom of the website,and on the left side of the page,you will also see alot of pages are link to other sites ,on the Net,and as well linked to partner and our own websites and Homepages...

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