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Silhouette of Elephant

About Southernstar-Africa


Hi, thanks for dropping by!

We are a school project organization that aims to educate children about the history of South Africa. Our focus is on the people who shaped the country's past and present. Our team consists of passionate educators who are dedicated to providing the best learning experience for the children. We provide various services such as interactive workshops, field trips, and educational materials. Join us in exploring the rich history of Southernstar-Africa.

Safari Sunrise

Radio SAM Broadcaster Germany

Information about the radio

We built ‘Radio SAM Broadcaster Germany’ for YOU…….. For you to NEVER miss that amazing event. We strive to, at all times, try to take the hassle out of finding out where that favourite artist is performing, have a look at some other artists also performing, and at what venue it is going to be held, at what time, and maybe it will be the end of life as you know it.

We love radio! Radio SAM Broadcaster Germany makes life a little easier for everyone who feels the same way. We offer you the opportunity to listen to internet radio from all over the world in a particularly uncomplicated manner and free of charge. With the push of a button, you can also record it very easily thanks to Radio SAM Broadcaster Germany. Don't you ever want to miss your favorite internet radio radio again? Our tools make it possible! You can put together your own program in the Radio SAM Broadcaster Germany player, in the app and directly on our website. This is then conveniently recorded and saved for you. If you just want to listen to your favorite online radio stations, you can of course do so here: You can click through the music genres or topics you want and you will find enough material to stream continuously for days! Here, the many German channels are just a few clicks away from the small regional channel from Italy. Thanks to the radio cloud, you don't even have to turn on your computer or smartphone to record, you don't even have to be at home. The scheduled shows are simply saved in the cloud, where you can easily stream them or download them for later use. Radio programs and tips - radio plays and more That's all well and good, but you don't even know what you want to hear in the wide landscape of internet radio? No wonder, after all, there are many of programs on all sorts of genres. Our editorial team therefore studies the radio program every week and always has a few tips ready to make your choice easier: There is also something for the little listeners on a separate page for children. Do you want to let off steam in the wide world of internet radio? Radio SAM Broadcaster Germany makes this particularly easy for you. You can listern completely free of charge and without obligation. In your own account under “Radio SAM Broadcaster Germany” you can start immediately, put together your own program and use the free radio cloud storage of two hours. In the download area you will find the Radio SAM Broadcaster Germany players for PC and Mac and the app is available for free download in the app store for iOS, Android or Windows Phone.

Radio contacts


Address:Steedener Weg 65594



Safari Ranger
Buffaloes in Pond


Pictures of South Africa


Translate Company


Gestbook Riseingsouthernstar-Africa Radio Eendrag


riseingsouthernstar africa


MY Profile



I Was Born On the 15 November 1960 in Germany and was Brought up in South Africa,Have Three of my Own Children and One child that I brought up as my Own Child,Two staying In South Africa and Two Staying with me in Germany.
My Nick Name is Andy,and have a Profile on Facebook
My Face book Profile
Andy Willi Dezius | Create your badge

I Speach - English / German and Africans , and also read and wright the 3 Languages , I am at the moment a Truck Driver in Germany.
To my Profiles , here are a few things to tell you about me , I was Born in Germany, and was brought up in South Africa.
My Homepages are about South Africa and South African Music, I have  had Goodtimes and also Bad times when I lived in South Africa.
I created this Homepage to Remember me , of my life , and the Wonderfull things I got to see in my Life . And to share it with people and friends on the Internet , So I say thankyou to Homepage-Baukasten in Germany, and people who supported me to with my Homepage, the

Buffalo in Lake


Welcome to the,website of  riseing-motor-classics
The website shares information and about , Pick-up Trucks 
and Classic Chevys & Ford and Truck Pictures
This Link will take you to our other Homepage,just click on the Red
Riseing -Motor-classic Banner ,or just click on the link...

Herd of Giraffes


This Homepage was created to save the Wolves in our WorldWelcome to a the German /South Africa Homepage
The website provides information about the Wolves and was made for Private use and school projects,and Information about the Wolves . (the-wolf-clan) the Homepage was Created by Andy Dezius,
To Share the Information of the Life of the wolves and help to support in always to keep them alive.


South African Homepage

Welcome to a the German /SouthAfrican Homepage
The website provides information about South Africa for Private use and school projects,and Information about South Africa .
(Southernstar-Africa) the Homepage was Created by Andy Dezius,
To Share the Information of the Life in South Africa.

Hippos in the Water


Die Boere word nou verstrooi en geskiedenis herskryf.
Waardevolle Boere Erfenis, kultuur en histories gedenkwaardighede,
word verander, herallokeer, vernietig, verlore, verdwyn en vergete ......
Ons erfenis, standbeelde, monumente, museums, boeke, geskrifte, kuns, musiek, landkaarte, seels, wapens,
munte, meubels, ens. van geskiedkundige belang in verband met die Boerevolk

Close Up Owl

Die Geloftevolk Republikeine

1. in God die Almagtige,- Skepper van hemel en aarde;
2. in die Wet van God as riglyn om gelykvormig te word aan Sy Seun;
3. en bely dat die God van Abraham, Isak en Jakob, ons God is en dat Sy Seun vir ons sondes gesterf het, sodat ons vir ewig kan lewe in liggaam en dan in gees;
4. dat ons die reg het om ons God, ons volk en ons kultuur binne ons eie vaderland te dien en oor onsself te regeer;
5. en ons ag onsself gebonde aan die Gelofte van Jan van Riebeeck, van Bloedrivier en van Paardekraal wat deur ons voorvaders afgelê is;
6. dat ons volk in Suid Afrika se veelvolkige verkiesings net van een gevolg seker is – naamlik dat daar nie eens die geringste kans is om te wen, sodat ons volk se belange kan voorrang geniet nie;
7. dat ons onsself moet voorberei teen die dreigende en toenemende aanslae op die lewens van ons Boere volksgenote en ons Boervolk se voortbestaan, sodat ons onsself kan verdedig in die Naam van ons God;
8. dat die verlede bewys het dat ons, die Boervolk, in staat is om oor onsself te regeer in ‘n soewereine staat en dat slegs die vernietiging drang en die hebsug van die huidige regering, in ons pad staan om ‘n eie vaderland te verkry;
9. dat ons geroepe is om ons Boervolk uit te lei uit die misdaad nes waarin die Boervolk homself bevind;
10.dat ons krag in die eerste instansie in ons Skepper lê en dat slegs ‘n gesamentlike poging van al ons volksgenote om ons Boervolk te bevry (van die juk van die vreemde volke onder wie se heerskappy ons staan), ons vryheid kan bewerkstellig;

Herd of Elephants


I Speach - English
/ German  and Africans , and also read and wright the 3 Languages .
I am at the moment a Truck Driver in Germany.

To my Profiles , here are a few things to tell you about me .
My Homepage is about Music .

I created this Homepage to  share it with people and friends on the Internet and around the World, So I say thankyou to Homepage-Baukasten in Germany, and people who supported me to with my Homepage, the


Me,myself and I in 150 questions! by Andy

name: Andreas 

nickname: Andy

birthday: 15.11.1960

height: 188

weight: 120 Kg

hair: Light Brown

eyes: Green / Brown

any piercings?: Its his own thing what he or she does
with their body


tattoos?: Yes ,the White Wolf

any siblings?: No,not at all

what do you like to wear?: Jeans and Anything that is
Easy to Wear and I Feel good in it.


 book?: The Rise and Fall of Hitler,
South African Law ,Wildlife,Born Free and Living Free.

 color?: Red / Maroon / Royal Blue

 movie?: Action / Historical / Thillers and Science Fiction


 place?: South Africa and Germany
,and Maybe NewZealand
Australia or USA

 food?: Braais s and Barberques

 dessert?: Ice-Crean and Strawberrys

 alcoholic drink?: Beer,Whiskey and Rum

 non-alcoholic drink?:  

 day of the week?: Friday and Saturday

 number?: 15 / 22 / 11 / 10 / 3 /  25

 month?: November

 city?: Pretoria ,Johannesburg,
Cape town and Durban and Frankfurt and now in Limburg

 country?: South Africa and Germany

 animal?: Dogs ,Wolves and Lions

 time of the day?:  


 tv channel?: South African News ,BBC,
RTL and Pro 7

 song at the moment?: Bok Van Blerk,Steve Hofmeyr,
Theuns Jordaan

 friend?:  All around the World


place to be?:  

time of the day?:  

day of the week?:  

song/music gender?:  

animal to you?:  


food?:  Vegtables

*have u ever...*

 been so drunk that you cant remember?:  Yes ,on Carneval 2009 in Germany

 cheated: No Never ,been always right ,and
Truely and Loyal towards the partner I have in a Relassion

 been cheated on?: Yes I have in the Past

 been in love?: Yes

 been on TV?: No Never on Tv


 been on stage?:  

 passed out?:  Yes ,but on a party

 had a surgery?:  Yes Plenty

 broke the law intentionally?:  Yes many years ago in my tean age life

 had a friend pass away?:  Yes a very good friend

 been lied?:  

 been dumped?:  Yes plenty of times

*do you...*

 do drugs?:  Never ,I do not believe in such thing

 get drunk?:  

 dance?:  Love Dancing

 party?:  Plenty in my Lifetime


 play an instrument?: I use to play a trumpet
and play the drums

 get along with your parents?:  Yes I do

 think you are attractive?:  I dont no , You must find out


 smoke?:  Yes i do smoke

 get motion sickness?:  

 wear contacts/glasses?:  

 get good marks?:  

 watch cartoon?:  

 drink milk :3 ?:  

 write poems/stories?:  

 take a particular medicine?:  

 go to psycholog?:  

 have a pet?: Yes had plenty of Dogs in South Africa.
German Shepard and  Rodweilers

 are you allergic to something?:  

 play an online rpg?:  

 get online on msn a lot?:  

 google a lot?:  Yes ,most of the time

 have fights?:  

 read magazines?:  

 read comics?:  

 how many hours do you sleep?:  

 how frequently do you go to hairdresser?:  

 get along with your teachers?:  


 What's your preferred genre of music?:  

 All-time favorite band/artist?:  

 All-time favorite song?:  

 How many CDs or MP3s of your favorite  band/artist do you have?:  

 What's your favorite radio station?:  FFH AND RADIO EENDRAG

 Afrikaans Music?:







 heavy metal?:  



Boere Music?:



 time you cried?: YES I cry alot ,if I think of my Past
Life in South Africa and my
Children that are still living
in South Africa

 movie you watched?:  

 person you talked on the phone?:  


 song played?:  

 thing you ate?:  

 time you took a bubble bath?:  

 time you got drunk?:  

 time you read a book?:  

 email you get?:  

 person you got a fight?:  

 time you hugged someone?:  

 time you kissed someone?:  

 time you met someone new?:  

 time you went for a date?:  

*do you believe in...*

God?: Yes I believe in God
,he is the creator of Heaven and Earth,
and everythibg he made for us,
He gave his only Son to forgive our Sins.

religions?:  Yes I do ,but dont talk about it


ghosts?: Yes I do ,If you have seen
One you will believe it too


yourself?: I beleave and fight for the rights of the white people in south africa,to stop the Genocide and stop murdering white south african farmers and people and ask the world for your support .

astrology?: Scorpion



*in a girl/boy*

hair: Light Brown



style of clothing: Were Any thing ,that suite me
,dont worry what others think ,
Cool and Easy

kiss on first date?:  Can not remember

love at first sight?:  


 who do you wanna slap?: Nobody,The Wheel Turns ,
and His or Her Day Will Come.

 who do you wanna kill?: Nobody,The Wheel Turns ,and His or Her Day Will Come.

 your dream: Yes

 do you want to get  married?: Yes ,I think it is time after so many years for the children and that I have found the future person I life ,were I can get old to gether with.

 love?:  Yes I love the partner that i am with ,She gives me support in my life

 i wanna be:  

 all you need is:  

 identy yourself with 3 words:: Loyal , Pride , Honor, Brotherhood and Stand Together and fight for you rights

 what is your worst characteristic?:  

 what are your fears?:  

 what is your weakness?:  

 favourite quote?:  

 cartman or kenny?:  

 shoes you weared last time?:  

 what is your aim for this year?:To Go to South Africa
and to Visit my Children and Friends
,if God Spears me And
If I Can Aford it .

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Male Lions
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