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About My Self and my Music...ANTON THOMAS

, gebore 1979 in die Suidelike Deel Van Gauteng. Anton het n passie vir sang ontwikkel van n baie jong ouderdom waar hy gesing het in die Turfontein Laerskool as eerste supraan vir 5jaar. Nadat Anton metrikileer het in HOËRSKOOL LINDEN in 1996, het hy sy sang passie weer aangepak nadat hy nerens anders in gepas het nie. Musiek is Anton Thomas se eerste liefde en is sy ware passie as lobaan. Anton het al reg oor die land sy stem laat hoor en is n natuurlike liedjie skrywer, met n GROOT stem. Anton Thomas is n liefdevolle mens en is baie friendelik, behalwe as dit kom by mense wat haatig teenoor die natuur, of mense en kinders kom. Anton Thomas het goei morele waardes en is maklik om mee oor die weg te kom. Oor die algemeen is Anton n kunstige mens, hy hou daarvan om nuwe idees mee verendag te kom. Hy hou van teken, huise ontewerp, tuinmaak, om plante te kweek, veral vrugte boome, en Anton isbaie lief vir die natuur. Anton Thomas was op verskei geleenthede op TV saam met advertensies, en bekende afrikaanse seriese. Anton Thomas het ook advertensies gedoen met sy Goue stem vir Brittos, Sibino's, radio stings ens. Anton Thomas is baie passievol en erenstig oor sy sang lobaan, en is n man wat op staat gemaak kan word. SY WOORD IS SY EER. Die Johannesburg se sanger Anton Thomas se nuutste enkelsnit Soms is ‘n liedjie met ‘n country-skop, maar dit beweeg weg van die meer tradisionele klanke en die resultaat ‘n pure rock/country-plesier.

Anton Thomas Met dié liedjie het Anton probeer om verskillende genres te meng. “Ek is mal oor country en ek hou ook van sekere elemente van rock. Ek dink het ek daarin geslaag om met ‘n splinternuwe klank vorendag te kom,” vertel hy. Anton, wat bekendheid verwerf het toe hy aan Patricia Lewis se Supersterre deelgeneem het,saam met talle optredes in kuier plekke,troues en funksie, skryf sy eie liedjies, en Soms , verduidelik hy, is gegrond op emosies wat net in liedjies tot uiting gekom het. Soms is ‘n persoonlike liedjie wat handel oor die swart tye waardeur hy in sy eie lewe moes worstel. Soms is ook in verskeie opsigte ‘n liefdesliedjie. “Dit is ‘n liedjie waarna paartjies kan luister en tevrede voel dat hulle saam die storms trotseer het.” Die titel van die liedjie Soms het ‘n denotatiewe en konnotatiewe betekenis: eerstens, dui dit op die letterlike betekenis dat ‘n vrou soms nie goed genoeg voel vir ‘n man nie en dan ook die omgekeerde. Tweedens, is dit ‘n metafoor wat ‘n platform skep vir ‘n paartjie om
hulle gevoelens uit te beeld. Anton beskou homself as ‘n liefdesliedjie skrywer.“My liedjies handel meestal oor situasies, emosies en omstandighede binne ‘n liefdesverhouding. Ek poog altyd om liedjies te skryf wat die positiewe kant van die liefde uitbeeld, en nie die negatiewe nie. Ek glo dat God liefde is, en ek glo ook dat die liefde ‘n werklike teenwoordigheid van God is.” Hy sê die meeste van sy kreatiewe idees word in die vroeë oggendure gebore. “Dit is emosies wat in woorde uitgebring word. Ek sing dit sonder dat ek weet wat die volgende noot of woord gaan wees. Ek neem die rou weergawes op en verwerk dit dan totdat dit reg voel.” Anton, wat homself bedags besig hou met navorsing oor kriptovaluta, het bykans ‘n dekade gelede sy toetrede tot die Suid-Afrikaanse musiekbedryf gemaak. Verskeie liedjies waaronder die gewilde Bokke Bo, wat goed deur plaaslike radiostasies en luisteraars ontvang is, het uit sy pen verskyn. Daar het nog nie ‘n vollengte-album uit die Thomas-stal verskyn nie, maar Anton sê hy het genoeg liedjies vir twee albums. “As die tyd reg is, sal daar wel ‘n album verskyn,” knipoog hy. Anton vertel spottenderwys dat sy musikale rolmodel nog altyd Elvis Presley was. “Mense het my egter Elvis begin noem. Ek weet hulle het dit as kompliment bedoel, maar ek wil net Anton Thomas wees. Niemand anders nie.” SOMS is ‘n radiovriendelike luisterliedjie wat by oud en jonk sal byval vind. Anton se stem is diep en ryk en dit is ook waarom hy perfek binne die liefdesliedgenre pas. Anton Thomas kan bereik word op

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+27628115161 Anton Thomas is te ondersteun deur:


anton thomas

And Many More Artists from Germany and South Africa

Christina Betz.


Christina Betz

Wenn nach Jahren die Beziehung plötzlich endet, ist das die beste Gelegenheit die Gefühle in einem Song zu verarbeiten.Auch wenn es für Christina schwer war den Song zu veröffentlichen, da dieser alle Enttäuschung, Selbstzweifel, Trauer und auch Wut über das unerwartete Aus der Beziehung behandelt, war dieser Schritt wichtig um sich frei zu machen.Die Sängerin sagt selbst zu dem Titel:„Es hat also etwas Mut gebraucht das öffentlich zu machen.Da aber fast jeder Mensch schon solch eine Erfahrung im Leben machen musste, wollte ich damit sagen dass es immer weiter geht im Leben und Anderen damit Trost zu spenden und natürlich auch Mut zu machen. Man muss sich neu sortieren und weitermachen. Also nie vergessen ….das Leben geht weiter und bleib wo du bist….“Die Musik begleitet die Künstlerin schon ihr ganzes Leben und war immer für sie da. Aus einer kindlichen Leidenschaft wurde ein Hobby, welches durch Unterricht und Training bald zu den ersten Songs führte.Die Melodie wurde von der Berliner Musikerin Bernadette La Hengst inspiriert und der Text stammt von Christina Betz.

Anton Thomas






gebore 1979 in die Suidelike Deel Van Gauteng. Anton het n passie vir sang ontwikkel van n baie jong ouderdom waar hy gesing het in die Turfontein Laerskool as eerste supraan vir 5jaar. Nadat Anton metrikileer het in HOËRSKOOL LINDEN in 1996, het hy sy sang passie weer aangepak nadat hy nerens anders in gepas het nie. Musiek is Anton Thomas se eerste liefde en is sy ware passie as lobaan. Anton het al reg oor die land sy stem laat hoor en is n natuurlike liedjie skrywer, met n GROOT stem. Anton Thomas is n liefdevolle mens en is baie friendelik, behalwe as dit kom by mense wat haatig teenoor die natuur, of mense en kinders kom. Anton Thomas het goei morele waardes en is maklik om mee oor die weg te komI'm a Music Artist with a passion for good meaningful music, making a good difference in peoples lives is my first priority in life, contact me on (+27)62 811 5161 or find me on Facebook

anton tho.jpg

KayCee(Karla Christene)







Karla Christene is a 22 year old singer from Bellville, Western Cape, South Africa. 

She started singing lessons at the age of 5 and won her first competition at the age 6.  She entered and won numerous singing competitions throughout the years until the last one she did in 2012 - which she won and was also overall winner of the competition.

In 2011 she launched her debut cd, “Amper Daar” (translated to "Nearly there").   It had her favourite cover songs as well as 4 originals on.  The song that became an immediate hit was “Blou-oog engel” (translated to "Blue eyed angel").  Her fans started calling her the “Blou-Oog Engel” – because of her beautiful blue eyes and loving, caring personality.

Karla Christene launched her 2nd CD - Eerste liefde (translate to "First love") on 7 March 2015. This was also the name of her tour to Belgium (18 - 30 March) where she will introduced the cd.  The title song was 9th on the HOSA Radio's Top100 for 2014.

Since 2012 Karla Christene is a full time/professional singer.  She shared the stage with many of South Africa's top performers i.e. Blackie Swart, Wynand & Cheree, Manie Jackson, Matt Hurter, Mark Haze and also most of the local super stars i.e. Desmond Wells, Hugo Nieuwoudt etc.


Coenie Claassen







Coenie de Villiers has changed the landscape of South African music and in particular Afrikaans music over the past 40 years.  His first recording (an own composition for EMI and released in 1978/9) won a SARIE Award and the originality of the song foreshadowed what has become one of the most radical and important creative careers in South African music.


His career has subsequently spanned nearly four decades and nearly 20 albums of his own material, garnered three SAMA awards and numerous other accolades, including the medal of honour by the South African Council of Arts and Sciences.  His creative work and recordings have been banned by the previous regime, but he has consistently broken down barriers in the face of adversity and shunned commercial credit in the process.

Coenie has performed in Canada, England, Holland, Belgium and New Zealand.  Artists who have appeared with him and worked with him on his critically-acclaimed albums include Dave Koz, Jonathan Butler, Hugh Masekela, Sibongile Khumalo, Sipho Gumede, Amampondo, Gloria Bosman, David Kramer, Robbie Jansen, Basil “Mannenberg” Coetzee, and a plethora of the greatest names in quality Afrikaans music, including Karen Zoid, Laurika Rauch and Kurt Darren.  His previous album, Hart van Glas (Heart of Glass) reached gold status and was critically acclaimed.  His opera Maximilan (with lyrics by John Jackson) was performed in Austria in 2009 as part of the Klagenfurt Summer Festival.


Chrissie Rossouw






Chrissie Rossouw aka Chrissie Kletz, Vocal artist, Songwriter and Composer, Radio Presenter, Sound, and Film Producer. Co-Owner of Angel Music Studio Productions.

Chrissie Rossouw is a country music singer, director, video editor, songwriter and radio DJ from Potchefstroom, South Africa.

Rossouw grew up in a rural village called Koster in North West. Her love for music was deeply rooted in her childhood but her music career only got shape and kicked off when she married Phillip Rossouw, a keen musician who had been involved in many different projects.

She released her debut album 'Pappa se Meisiekind' that featured Ray Dylan, Andries Botha and Deon Vd Merwe, Renaldo Taute, Sez Adamson, Denny Laloutte and Vinnie Henrico.

Rossouw is the co-owner of a production house called Angel Music Studio Productions, a company that specialises in audio, video and broadcast productions. Rossouw was also the production leader of two successful television series of 13 episodes each titled 'Die Ekstra Myl' and 'Springbok stories' that broadcast on Kyknet. Rossouw and Martiza joined forces and released their first country Gospel album and DVD, with 12 tracks and 12 music videos called 'Gospel From The Heart'.


Magdel Spanellis







I am a singer and performer in Cape Town South Africa, and live in a small town called Gansbaai. Music is my passion and I cannot wait for the world to hear my music. I love entertaining and performing live.
There is just nothing that makes my heart beat faster than performing and connecting with people on a different level.... a spiritual level because I believe music touches the soul. This is what I love doing, I love touching souls and if that means I can do what I love most and still be able to do what I am destined to do then my life if complete......
This is only the beginning, and I am looking forward to my future in the music industry.... yes there is a new girl on the block and her name is Magdel Spanellis..... BE PART OF MY JOURNEY!
I am available for bookings, you can send me an email to


 Sàmy Viviers

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