Arno Jordaan, a South African singer and performer, began his educational journey at Hoërskool Framesby and Hoërskool Brandwag. Initially passionate about rugby, he represented his province in the prestigious Craven Week competition. His musical career took off in 2003 when he participated in the reality television show kykNET Zing on the Afrikaans-language TV station kykNET. Partnering with fellow contestant Susan, Jordaan finished as the runner-up and was subsequently signed by the EMI label. Their debut album, Vir altyd in jou drome, was a collaborative effort that marked the beginning of his professional music career.
Jordaan released several successful solo albums under EMI, starting with Altyd. He has performed alongside renowned South African artists such as Steve Hofmeyr, Kurt Darren, Dozi, and Pieter Smith. His album Ek wil jou hê achieved platinum status. He has also sung the South African national anthem at various international rugby events and released the soccer-themed single “The Time Is Now.” His performance at the 10th anniversary of Huisgenoot Skouspel in Sun City and multiple appearances at the Innibos Nasionale Kunstefees festival have cemented his popularity. Jordaan enjoys a significant following among the South African diaspora in Australia, the UK, and the United States. His fourth album, Gee my, was nominated for the South African Music Awards (SAMA) in the “Best African Dance Album” category and also went platinum. His most recent album, Stukkie van my hart, was certified gold.
Arno Jordaan, our esteemed ambassador of the Princess Charlene of Monaco Foundation South Africa, took center stage, performing the Irish national anthem at a significant event where KB Motsilanyane delivered a stirring rendition of South Africa’s anthem during the opening ceremony. Jordaan’s participation not only highlighted his deep love for rugby but also underscored his commitment to fostering unity and mutual respect between nations through the universal language of music. His connection to rugby is matched only by his dedication to uplifting the youth of South Africa. As an ambassador for the Foundation, Jordaan exemplifies the values of hard work, dedication, and perseverance, promoting water safety, education, and sports among young South Africans. Additionally, his significant contributions to fundraising efforts for Lifesaving South Africa, including his participation in last year’s Sun City Water Bike event, have raised vital funds to support lifesaving initiatives across the country.


Robbie is `n kunstenaar eie in sy soort. As akteur, sanger, liedjieskrywer en filmmaker kan hy jou laat lê van die lag, maar jou ook dieper laat delf in die dinge van die lewe. `n Grapjas is hy beslis, maar dis ook daardie ander sielvolle kant wat hom oor die jare `n groot gunsteling onder Afrikaanse aanhangers gemaak het. Oorspronklik, humoristies, diep. Dit is die drie woorde waarmee Robbie Wessels se werk beskryf kan word.
Robbie is as Vrystater gebore en het op ’n plaas buite Kroonstad groot geword, as Kapenaar gematrikuleer, en as Gautenger het hy sy diploma in Drama by Tshwane Universiteit van Tegnologie gewerf. In 2002 het hy bekend geword as die karakter Poena in die gewilde TV-reeks Gauteng-alêng-alêng en in 2005 verras hy die land met sy talent as sanger en liedjieskrywer met die album “My Vissermanvriend se Pa”. Hierdie album het 120 000 kopiee verkoop. In 2005 word Robbie by die Huisgenoot Tempo-toekennings as gunsteling nuweling aangewys en in 2006 word sy tweede album, Halley se Komeet, by die KKNK vrygestel.Die reuse trefferliedjie “Leeuloop” word deur Vodacom gebruik vir hul advertensieveldtog en skielik weet die hele land wie Robbie Wessels is. Hierna het Robbie nie opgehou met sy kreatiewe produsering nie. Opvolg albums is,“ Afrika Sonsak“ in 2009, „“Kaalvoet“ in 2011 asook “Als wat ek het“ in 2014. Treffer liedjies op hierdie albums is, Hou Vas Jou Matras, Waar Lê Jy Vanaand? Verbode Vrugte, Leeuloop, Asseblief my lief, Die Coach se Speech, Asetileen en Suurstof, All Blacks teen die All Blacks en vele meer.
Al Robbie se liedjies is oorspronklik en word uit persoonlike ervaring neergepen. Met sy lewenspad kruis Robbie baie interessante mense, wat toevoeg tot al die stories wat hy met soveel deernis vertel deur sy musiek. Robbie het ‚n unieke aanvoeling vir die wereld se dinge en sy mense, dit word duidelik gesien en gehoor deur sy werk en gee hy slegs die krediet aan sy Skepper wat hom hierdie geskenk gegee het om mense te kan vermaak. "Ek is 'n rustige ou wat lief is vir my land, my familie en 'n glasie rooiwyn so nou en dan," sê Robbie."Afrikaanse musiek is nog een van my liefdes en ek hoop dat ek 'n bydrae kan lewer. Dit is 'n plesier om vir die land en sy mense op te tree."
Gepraat van sy vele talente, Robbie en sy broer Hamilton het saam hul eerste draaiboek geskryf genaamd “100 Meter Leeuloop“ Hierdie skreeusnaakse film is tans beskikbaar by dvd-winkels en het sy verskyning op die groot skerm gemaak in 2013. Met die groot sukses hiervan verseker Robbie en Hamilton dat daar wel uitgesien kan word vir nog films in die toekoms.
Robbie se liefde vir teater word ook nie opsy gesit nie, in 2013 maak Robbie sy verskyning in die Jesus Musiekblyspel as Johannes die Doper by die Staatsteater, onderleiding van Deon Opperman. Hierdie rol het vir Robbie baie na aan die hart gele.
Robbie is tans te sien in die plaaslike sepie Binnelanders.
Noemnaam: Robbie
Bynaam: Gomaan
Verjaardag: 30 Oktober 1980
Waar is jy gebore? Kroonstad
Waar het jy skool gegaan? Hoërskool Kroonstad en Hoërskool Strand
Enige na-skool opleiding? Diploma in drama, Tshwane Universiteit van Tegnologie
Waar woon jy nou? Pretoria
Gunsteling musiek: Theuns Jordaan en Koos du Plessis
Stokperdjies: Waterski, visvang, kamp, stap
Lees jy graag? Wat is jou gunsteling boeke? Lees te min, maar hou van Afrikaanse storieboeke asook biografieë.
Gunsteling fliek: Of Mice and Men en Legends of the Fall
Wanneer was jou eerste optrede voor 'n gehoor? By ‘n koshuis op Tukkies se kampus.
Het jy koor gesing en aan kunswedstryde deelgeneem? Ja, en ‘n middelpaadjie gehad.
Wie is jou mentor? Ek het ‘n hele paar.
Wat is die beste raad wat jy nog ooit gekry het? Leef jou lewe.
Watter vyf mense sal jy graag vir ete wil nooi? Leon Schuster, Borat, Will Ferrell, Tanya van Graan, Bono.
Waar sien jy jou loopbaan oor vyf jaar? Ek probeer die lewe dag vir dag vat. Al worry ek soms oor onbenullighede, wil ek nie so ver vooruit beplan nie.



Ray Dylan (born 15 August 1978) whose real name is Jacobus Frederick Jersich is a South African singer who sings in Afrikaans and English. Read more https://wikisouthafrica.co.za/ray-dylan/ | Wiki South Africa
Jacobus Frederik Jersich, also known as Ray Dylan is a musician from Odendaalsrus,a small town in South Africa.Dylan is a singer in South Africa and most of his songs is in his native language, Afrikaans, but some is in English. In fact, his debut album was called "New Kid in Town." Ray was born on August 15, 1978 in a small town in South Africa and grew up in the North West area of the country.Dylan kicked off his career by performing in clubs and bars, he performed with fellow South African stars in South Africa. Dylan sings a lot of ballads, and incorporates electric guitar into most of his hits
“The singer I am referring to is Ray Dylan. He sings mostly in his mother tongue, Afrikaans. His real name is Jacobus Frederik Jersich. I read that he is known as ‘Jaco’ to his family and ‘Jakes’
to his friends. I have also noticed in the media that some fans address him as 'Raytjie,' a diminutive form of Ray.
Ray Dylan, Born on the Anniversary of the Death of Elvis, Developes a Fascination with the King
Recently, a local news magazine ran an article about Ray Dylan and featured him on the cover. I thought he looked a bit like Elvis Presley, and when I read that Ray has a near-obsession about Elvis and that he was born exactly one year after Elvis’s death, I started wondering about the possibility that he could be a reincarnation of Elvis.From that point onwards, every time this magazine had a feature on Ray Dylan, there was also an article on Elvis Presley elsewhere in the magazine—for example an article about a lady in England who has a very big collection of Elvis memorabilia. These synchronicities went on for some time. Then a popular Afrikaans TV show featured an interview with Ray Dylan–barely a week after Oprah Winfrey’s famous interview with Lisa-Marie Presley was broadcast on TV in South Africa.
I was pleasantly surprised when I watched the TV interview with Ray. He is very charming and has an endearing personality. He is also a very, very talented singer and guitar player (apparently Ray has 41 guitars at home). He produces music too.There seem to be many parallels between Ray’s and Elvis’s lives. Ray struggled at school and did not enjoy it very much. All that he wanted to do was to work in the music industry. Ray lost his beloved father a few years ago. It took him a long time to get over this loss. He became a close friend of one of his late father’s old friends.This friend had a young daughter. By the time she turned 16, Ray was already in love with her. She felt the same. They started going out. As she was so young, Ray kept their relationship hidden from the public. When she turned 18, they eventually went public about their romance.


Nicholas Louw (born 30 December 1979) is a well-known South African pop and opera singer and signed to Select Music, the major South African record label. His repertoire mainly in Afrikaans includes rock, pop, country and music ballads, often incorporating strong classical elements. Louw has had a number of successful albums through releases through Select Music starting with his debut album in 2003, selling over 650,000 albums. His major hits include "Ek wil my baby hê vanaand", "Rock daai lyfie" and "Generaal". He tours extensively averaging above 100 gigs a year. On 12 July 2014, he married Denise Shrewsbury
Being a multifaceted artist, his repertoire includes rock, pop and ballades, often incorporating strong classical elements.
Nicholis released his first album in 2003. Within months it reached double platinum.Strong sales drove it to triple platinum status. Subsequent albums continued
in this trend with multiple Gold, Platinum, Double Platinumand Tripple Platinum achievements.
On his country wide tours his shows are famous for his energetic performances placing him in a league of his own.
He tours with one of the best Sound & Lighting systems available and averages 120 performances per year. His shows are lively events where the audiences usually sing and dance to every word of every song.
He is signed with Select Music and his Events Management is done by Platinum Promotions.
2003: My Hart is an Die Brand
2005: Rock Daai Lyfie
2007: Hier Naby Jou
2008: Vergeet en Vergewe
2008: Elvis on My Mind
2009: Energie
2006: Rock Daai Lyfie
2009: Intiem Met... Nicholis Louw
2007: "Hier naby jou"
2008: "Vergeet en Vergewe"
2009: "Welkom by my party"
2009: "Hoe ver sal jy gaan"
2009: "Generaal"
2009: "Ek wil my baby he vanaand"
2010: "Nommer asseblief"
2010: "Water jou mond"
2011: "Ek is daar vir jou"
2010: "Emmers vol liefde"
2012: "Net 'n Mens"
2014: "Bring die storm"



After Andriëtte Norman was crowned as the runner-up of the 2007 Idols South Africa singing competition, she launched her debut album, Diamant, in 2008.
Andriëtte already tasted success early in her career and was marvelled at by Afrikaans music lovers. In 2008 she received a Vonk award for Diamant in the Best Contemporary female album category. In 2009 she released Dink Aan My, followed by Vat My Hoër in 2011.
This Capetonian was born and bred in Brackenfell. She felt right at home on big stages such as Huisgenoot Skouspel, and performed hits composed especially for her by Steve Hofmeyr en Rudi Claase.
She was awarded a Ghoema in 2014 for Wat Rym met Liefde as Best Contemporary Female album.
She remembers: “I had a wonderful childhood with fond memories of playing rugby and cricket with my brother. The singing bug bit me during my primary school years when the choir teacher gave me a microphone and asked me to sing in front of the choir.”
At that moment she knew she just wanted to sing.
Six albums later she is one of the most popular Afrikaans artists, seen and heard often on the stages of big festivals and events like the Krone concert.
“Of course I have my favourite songs,” she admits. Steve’s Napoleon and Rudi’s Sewe Oseane rise above the rest.
After school Andriëtte trained in the beauty industry and owned a clothing boutique. These days she acts as an event planner and her hobbies include being a nutritionist.
She describes herself as having a fine sense of humour.
“I love being able to make people laugh, although I can also be serious and deep. In general I always have a smile on my face. I like talking to people,” she says.
In the extremely competitive Afrikaans music industry she is especially thankful towards the late Theuns Jordaan. Andriëtte tells: “Theuns took me under his wing directly after Idols and invited me to perform with him. I will never forget this.”
Andriëtte and Glynn Moolman have been happily married for the past few years, and she has three boys that keep her busy. “At the moment I am working on new material, but I am also working on myself. Working toward a healthier, happier me!” she proclaims.
After she was signed with a local label for the past 15 years, Andriette is now a proud, independent artist in the Afrikaans music industry.
If she could gaze into the crystal ball to peek at herself in twenty years, she would like to see a woman who lived each moment to the fullest, someone who didn’t allow any opportunity to pass her by. “If I can still do what I love, namely singing and performing, it will be a bonus. I hope to have an English hit somewhere on my journey,” she added.



Met ’n nuwe klank wat ’n ander sy van Afrikaans ten toonstel, bring Leah, gebore en getoë in Bellville, Kaapstad se noordelike voorstede in die kollig as die oorsprong van alles wat vars is – en musiekliefhebbers gaan mal wees daaroor!
“Ek gaan stroom-op,” vertel Leah van Niekerk. “Ek wil hê my musiek moet mense wys Afrikaanse musiek het meer om te bied as wat hulle verwag. My klank is totaal bekend en gemaklik maar daar is ook die subtiele nuanses wat die evolusie aanvoer van musiek wat ek baie liefhet.”
Sy is nie net toegerus met ’n 14-snit debuut wat vroeg in 2015 die lig sal sien nie – Leah is ook ongelooflik goed gekwalifiseerd op vele vlakke. Sy het ‘n BCom (Regte) agter haar naam en opleiding aan die Waterfront Teaterskool, en het grootgeword in ’n huis gevul met deuntjies van haar pa se keuse. “Musiek is in my bloed,” voeg sy by. “Albei my ouers ondersteun my geweldig. My ma was nog altyd ’n voorstander daarvan dat ek eties and eerlik is in alles wat ek doen, wat dalk vreemd mag klink – maar dit is eienskappe waaraan ek hard werk en oral toepas.”
Ná inskrywings in ’n magdom musiekkompetisies, met TV-advertensiewerk tussenin, het Leah se groot deurbraak gekom in die vorm van modelwerk: sy is raakgesien in November 2011 in Rapport se Model van die Jaar-kompetisie wat sy ook gewen het. Kort daarna het die vermaarde liedjieskrywer Johan Vorster haar hoor sing en onmiddellik aan die werk gespring om haar binne maande ’n opnamekontrak te verseker.
Terwyl sy gewerk het aan haar langverwagte solo-debuutalbum, is die sangeres, wat in haar twintigs is en onlangs getroud is, ook genooi om in die hoogs-aangeskrewe silwerskermsukses As Jy Sing te sing en toneel te speel. “Dit was ’n ongelooflike ervaring. Soveel so dat ek elke oomblik geniet het en dit met liefde weer sal doen,” deel sy mee.
Johan en Christof Kotze het 13 van die 14 snitte geskryf op hierdie koel versameling saamgeselsliedjies wat Leah se toetrede verteenwoordig. Die uitsondering is Leah se betowerende interpretasie van Christina Perri se trefferenkelspeler “A Thousand Years”.
“Wat ek doen is meer kontemporêr as pop,” verduidelik Leah. “Dink aan vroëe Rihanna, gemeng met ’n bietjie Jason Mraz, ‘n tikkie Jack Johnson daarby, met ’n groot skep passievolle organiese varsheid, en dan kom jy hopelik by my uit.”
Snitte soos Ek Moes Jou Gesoen Het, met Bobby van Jaarsveld as gaskunstenaar, getuig van Leah se vernuf, van begin tot einde. “Ek wil net optree en musiekmaak,” gee sy toe. “Toe ek grootgeword het was Laurika Rauch and Karen Wessels se Hoe Durf Jy name en liedjies wat so by my aanklank gevind het dat ek hulle navolg en alles waarvoor hulle en hul musiek staan. Maar hierdie keer lewer ek dit op my eie terme.”
Sy is popmusiek se mezzo-soprano, behendig en tersiêr opgelei – Leah is alles behalwe ’n oornagsukses of ’n verskietende ster. Wat sy is, is 100% oorspronklik, dapper en krities oor musiek wat vir vele ander week in en week uit deug as agtergrond vir partytjies. “Ek dryf myself elke liewe dag, wat my stem betref, fisies en emosioneel, om my beste te gee in alles wat ek doen,” deel sy mee. “Anders, wat is die punt?”
Om haar stembande uit te daag, en haar gehoor saam te nooi vir die uitstappie is iets waarin Leah uitblink. “Ek beoog altyd om my luisteraars op ’n reis te neem,” vertel Leah. Stel jouself voor ’n hoë C, klavier, ’n bietjie ligte kitaar, en funky, ongewone en totaal moderne vertolkings van die wêreld om haar – Leah het bewys sy is die ware Jakob, selfs voor die eerste van baie nommer-een treffers sy merk vind.
“Ek het grootgeword en geniet my lewe,” sluit Leah af. “Ek is meer volwasse as toe ek in die musiekbedryf begin het. Vandag is ek gevestig en geheel en al betrokke by wat ek wil behaal. Ek weet wat ek wil hê en daarmee saam kom insig en die besef dat dit die moeite werd is om te wag vir goeie dinge.”
Baie soos Leah se toetrede tot wêreldwye sukses.
Leah is a bundle of energy that always makes time for others. Her debut album, Wonderwerk, boasts a golden status for sales and is also the presenter of kykNET’s ever-popular Farmer Seek a Woman series where she helps farmers in their search for love.
Leah’s major breakthrough came in the form of model work: she was spotted in November 2011 in Rapport’s Model of the Year competition, which she also won. Shortly thereafter, award-winning songwriter Johan Vorster heard her sing and immediately went to work to secure her a recording contract.
She entered the silver screen in 2013 in the musical movie “As Jy Sing”. She is definitely one of our country’s busiest artists with performances all over our country where she captures hearts and evenings with her unique sound and personality.
Leah took the South African Music industry by storm in 2015 with her very successful debut album including the hits “Met Jou Klere aan”
Spreading her wings she also became the host and actress in popular TV Series like “Boer Soek ‘n Vrou”, “Duidelik Dapper” and “Lottoland Help ‘n Dorp”



Full name: Kurt Johan van Heerden
Nickname: Big KD
Place of birth: Pretoria, South Africa
Date of birth: 19th February 1970
Age: 50 years
Gender: Male
Height: 1.92 metres
Nationality: South African
Spouse: Dunay Nortjé
Marital status: Married
Profession: Television presenter, singer, and songwriter
Instagram: @kurtdarren
Twitter: @kurtdofficial
Kurt Darren het sy eerste CD For Your Precious Love in 1995 opgeneem, maar dit was nie tot 1999, toe hy sy eie liedjies begin skryf het nie, dat hy begin het om groot opslae in die Suid Afrikaanse musiek wêreld te maak.
Met liedjies soos Kaptein, Loslappie, Meisie Meisie, Hemel op Tafelberg, Dans op die tafels en nog vele ander, het hy sinoniem geraak met party, dans en saamsing musiek in SA, maak nie saak watse taal jy praat nie.
Kurt het in sy loopban van 30 albums tot dusvêr al 9 SAMA toekennings, 12 dubbel-platinum en 21 goue verkope toekennings ontvang, sowel as talle ander soos Tempo, Ghoema, Vonk, Geraas ensv. Hy was al n aanbieder op Kyknet en Jacarand met Jukebox, en het al in 5 flieks verskyn, sy nuutste skiet hy op n cruise in Januarie saam met van die land se top akteurs.
Hy is deesdae net so besig soos altyd, elke 3 maande stel hy n nuwe enkelsnit vry, en het geen planne om die pas stadiger te vat vorentoe nie, daar is nog baie musiek vasgevang in sy kop!
Hy skryf meeste, 95%, van sy eie liedjies, en liedjies soos Kaptein, Hemel Op Tafelberg, Meisie Meisie en vele ander is al 35 keer deur kunstenaars in Nederland, Duitsland en België opgeneem.
Kurt toer wêreldwyd, en het al in 15 verskillende lande opgetree.
Hy besit Super Events, wat hy saam met sy vrou, Dunay, behartig, waar hulle, onder andere, 7 luukse bootvarte en groot feeste by Sun International aanbied.
Kurt Darren career
While serving in the army, Kurt continued with his passion as he was in the entertainment unit. He made his debut into the music industry in 1995 with the album For Your Precious Love. He struggled underground for seven years before he had his big break with the track Meisle Meisle in 2002. This track at the time sold over 60,000 copies which were a big deal for any artist. Johan worked as a presenter from 2006 to 2011 for Jukebox broadcast on kykNET. Kurt Darren Selfie song is another popular track that is largely loved by many.

Kurt Darren albums
Kurt has released a total of eighteen solo albums in his music career and many other songs. Here are the CDs he has released:
1995: For Your Precious Love
1997: Just When I Needed You Most
1998: Kurt Darren
2000: Since I Found You
2001: Net Jy Alleen
2002: Meisie Meisie
2003: Sê Net Ja
2004: Staan Op
2005: Vat my, maak my joune
2006: Lekker Lekker
2007: Voorwaarts Mars
2008: 30 Goue Sokkietreffers
2008: Uit die diepte van my hart
2009: Smiling Back At Me
2009: Die Beste Medisyne
2010: Met Liefde/With Love
2010: Oos-Wes Tuis Bes (Deluxe edition)
2011: Kurt Kaptein se platinum treffers
2012: In jou oë
2014: Seerower
2015: Lied Vir Die Vrou
2016: Sal Jy Met My Dans?
2017: Laat Die Dansvloer Brand
2019: #Partytjiedier



Nadine Hoffeldt is a renowned South African Afrikaans singer and presenter, popular for her Kaapse Draai hit song. In 2003, this song got nominated among the best five songs in 2003 Geraas Musiek Toekenning (GMT) awards. The GMT awards recognize Afrikaans music. She has also released English songs. She started her music career as a teenager and for the past 17 years Nádine has taken up occupation in the hearts of Afrikaans music fans, selling an astonishing 500 000 albums along the way.
But in 2008 the singer is stretching her creative soul, in the most breathtaking way, with the release of an album that contemporary album on the global stage.Titled ‘This Time I know’, the 15-track album has all the makings of bonafide smash hit, taking Nádine into new markets – including international waters – whilst never leaving behind the core base of fans who have allowed her to enjoy the astonishingly successful music career that she has enjoyed up to now.“I cannot imagine not recording an album that I know my fans will love – after all, they have helped sustain my career for so long,” Nádine says – and the inclusion of four Afrikaans songs on ‘This Time I know’ is nothing short of a gift to her fans from an artist who has never lost sight of the important role they play in her life.With 17 years in the business, over 500 000 albums sold in multiple languages and with success in her home country South Africa and Europe, Nádine is the country's top pop act.Welkom & Welcome to my official Facebook fan page. Page Policy: Adverts, derogatory, offensive and abusive posts will be removed from this wall. About Nádine has sold more than 500 000 albums in South Africa, and for the past 15 years she’s been performing for grateful audiences with her powerful voice and soulful lyrics. Now South African music lovers get the chance to experience another side of Nádine… as presenter of a music programme. The popular singer was chosen as presenter of “Musiek Roulette”, a new music game show on SABC2. The series is being produced by Stemmburg TV.
She’s also working on two new albums, one for her Afrikaans fans as well as an English album which will focus on the international market. Nádine – the first South African singer to win the “World Peace Song Festival” when she beat Coldplay and Ladyhawke in 2010 – is becoming more and more popular overseas. With regular shows in Europe and Asia, her crowds are growing every day. Launch of the new English album : July 8 & 10 in London!OVER 500.000 ALBUMS SOLD IN HER OWN COUNTRY .Nádine has become one of the most popular artists in South Africa since the release of her first album more then fifteen years ago when she was only 13 years old. She has sold more than 500 000 albums in South Africa. Her crystal clear voice and moving lyrics were a crowd favourite from the word ‘go’. In 1997 Nádine took the stage during “Two Nations in Concert”, a musical event in Johannesburg, where she shared the stage with the Spice Girls and Billy Ocean.
Nádine has won several platinum and golden awards; with more than 120 shows a year she is one of the most succesful artists in South Africa. A few years ago her musical career skyrocketed. Nádine travelled to Europe where she signed with a Belgian management company. She also recorded a new album with the top Swedish producer, Nick Manic. Hits from the album included “This Time I Know”, “Made Up My Mind” and “Coming Home”.BEST CROSSOVER ALBUM
During the summer of 2009 Nádine launched the first part of her European adventure with some accomplished showcases. In the autumn of th same year she travelled to New Zealand for a succesful concert tour. She ended the year of a high note when “This time I know” won the sought-after Vonk Award in South Africa for Best Crossover Album.
Nádine is the first South African to win the annual World Peace Song Festival. On February 16, 2010 the much-loved South African artist was named the winner by organizers OGAE Italy, with her song “This Time I Know It’s For Real”, beating off competition from the likes of Coldplay (England’s entry) and Ladyhawke (New Zealand). An ecstatic Nádine said the award gave her “huge confidence” ahead of the release of her album ‘This Time I Know’ across several European territories and the Asian market.
Her stunning live performances quickly caused a buzz, also in theatre… Early 2012 Nádine was nominated for the South African Theatre awards as the leading lady Mary Magdalene in “Jesus Christ Superstar”. The team of Toco Asia saw only one performance, but that was enough to convince them to take this pop star to Shanghai, Beijing, Wuhan, Wenzhou, Tianjin and Changsha later in 2012!
Nádine released a new Christmas album in December 2012. “Christmas in South Africa” focuses on the multi-cultural pride of SA. “The land of the sun” is showcasing all the different cultures and colours to the rest of the world. “Light In The Sky”, Nádine’s hitsong from 2012, received lots of airplay in South Africa and Belgium. The song reached the top of several charts and was number one on Jacaranda Top 20, South Africa’s leading hit radio station, broadcasting for Gauteng and the area’s around.
After a nation wide tour in 2013, her preparation starts for a new English and a new Afrikaans album. Inspired by top performances at the biggest music festival in her country, “Innibos”, as well as the amazing “Skouspel” productions in SA (the biggest shows of the country, held in Johannesburg and Cape Town), Nádine is ready to release two amazing albums. One for her home market, in Afrikaans, as well as an English album made to surprise nations all over the world. Both are pop albums with a touch of rock and a flavour of electro!
It’s more exciting time for Nádine, with the recording of a new TV show starting in May 2014… with Nádine as presenter! “Musiek Roulette” will be produced by the iconic production company, Stemmburg TV. The programme will air on SABC2. The leading lady of Afrikaans pop music will sing along with the audience, as well as guide three contestants through the game and in the process will present the South African TV audience a show that has all it takes to go far outside South Africa.
As much as Nádine knows she’s emotionally ready for the big leap into new waters that’s currently underway, she’s well aware of all the hard work that lies ahead. “I started out just going from city to town to village in a touring bus asking to play my music and entertain people. I’m very excited to do all that hard work all over again, and to meet people and see places that I’ve never done before.”
Home Town
Johannesburg, South Africa
Short Description
Nádine's Official Page. 17 yrs, over 500 000 albums sold in multiple language, success in South Africa & Europe. Nádine is the country's top pop act.



Elizma Theron is 'n Afrikaanse sangeres en aktrise.
Gebore in Bethlehem in die Vrystaat, maar begin en voltooi haar skoolloopbaan in Kuruman, Noord Kaap.
Reeds op twee jarige ouderdom is sy lief vir sing en sing sy, tydig en ontydig die enigste liedjie wat sy ken. Dit is ‘n ou liedjie, “Gaan kyk wie klop daar Jannie.” wat die verhaal vertel van die smart van ‘n boere gesin tydens die Anglo Boereoorlog. Haar vermoë om noot te hou en met gevoel te sing, het toe reeds mense verbaas.
Op twaalfjarige ouderdom neem sy aan ‘n plaaslike sangkompetisie, vir Hoër-en-Laerskoolleerlinge, deel en sy wen dit met die liedjie “A whole new world.” Hierdie liedjie se titel het vir haar waar geword, want ‘n heel nuwe wêreld het vir haar oopgegaan.
Twee jaar later neem sy deel aan die landswye sangkompetisie, “Reik na die Sterre” en word deur CJ de Swart in die tydskrif Keur, spesiaal vermeld vir haar “kommersiële trefkrag”
Deur gereelde plaaslike optredes kry sy geleentheid om haarself as sangeres te slyp.
Sy hou egter nie net by sang nie, want in haar graad 9 en 10 jaar besoek sy Italië en Griekeland vir modelwerk. Na sy matriek aan die Hoërskool Kalahari voltooi, begin sy die Elizma Theron Kultuurskool, waar sy klasse aanbied in moderne danse, modelwerk en sang.
Begin 2005 voel sy dat sy gereed is om ‘n professionele sangeres te word. In die tyd skryf sy die liedjie “Lapaside” wat later die titelsnit van haar eerste album sou word. Die lirieke van hierdie liedjie is sprekend van haar self-motivering om die sprong van die bekende na die onbekende lewe as sangeres te maak.Die baie bekende Dennis East neem haar eerste album, “Lapaside” op waarna die plate-maatskappy Next Music die album by haar oorneem en haar ‘n platekontrak aanbied.
Elizma Theron die professionele sangeres word “gebore”.Verskeie liedjies op die album, maar veral die titelsnit “Lapaside” word deur verskeie radiostasies gespeel en beland dit op die Top 20 van verskeie radiostasies. Haar musiekvideo van “Lapaside” bereik by ‘n paar geleenthede die nommer 1 posisie op die program 6@6 op MK89.
Gedurende Januarie 2007 verskyn sy op “Dis hoe Dit is met Steve” en in Maart 2007 begin Elizma Theron, Adam Tas, Beeskraal, Mel Botes en MD Greyling, in samewerking met Solidariteit die “Stop die moorde-toer” met die doel om fondse in te samel vir slagoffers van plaasmoorde en om die fokus te plaas op die ongesonde hoë geweldsmisdaadsyfer in Suid-Afrika.
Elizma Theron se loopbaan neem ‘n baie opwindende wending toe sy gedurende die tweede helfte van 2007 aansluit by die dinamiese plate-maatskappy, Select Musiek en is sy tans besig om haar tweede album op te neem. Met hierdie album wag daar beslis ‘n verrassing vir die ondersteuners van Elizma Theron.